Jaime Andrade

Jaime graduated from the Universidad San Francisco de Quito with a degree in Architecture and then earned a Master of Landscape Architecture at Auburn University. His original motivation to uncover stronger connections between architecture and its surrounding environment has evolved into a new approach, not just about the designed form but the feeling of a place. Jaime is passionate about sketching as a tool to understand a place, designing, and communicating ideas. Upon graduating the Universidad de Quito, he received the award for Best Final Year Project by the Quito Pan-American Biennal of Architecture. Jaime also received a Student Honor Award and General Design Merit Award from ASLA Alabama.
Jaime is passionate about connecting with people and enhancing the ecological qualities of a site. Jaime’s upbringing was marked by the volcanic Andes Mountains that surrounded him. He would often help his grandparents on a family farm outside the city, nurturing fruit trees and roses. He aspires to have his work in landscape architecture encourage care for the land.
Jaime is working on Park Synagogue in Cleveland Heights, Ohio, Harvard Business School, and private residences. New to Massachusetts, Jaime is quickly exploring the landscapes of New England. Outside of practice, Jaime can be found playing and watching soccer, learning songs on the guitar, and working on photography that shows the passage of time.