Romina Delgado

Romina has a particular interest in landscape design processes for the future of addressing legacy contaminants. She spent most of her childhood among the mountains and volcanoes in Quito, Ecuador, where panoramic views of her city were only an hour’s stroll away in any direction. At the Universidad San Francisco de Quito, she received her BA in Architecture and Design and, as a research assistant, focused on tracking changes in infrastructure, development patterns, and growth rates of the communities within the Galapagos Islands. There she encountered landscape architecture and proceeded to move to Alabama to pursue her MLA at Auburn University, where she received an ASLA Student Honor Award and was named a 2021 LAF Olmsted Scholar. As a graduate research assistant, Romina worked on projects funded by US Army Corps’ Engineering with Nature initiative, which seeks to broaden the range of values that infrastructures provide and develop innovative, ecologically-responsible, and socially-engaged design projects. Since summer 2021, Romina has contributed to institutional and residential projects. Outside of work, she enjoys abstract painting, walking, and playing the drums.