Storm King Art Center Allées

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Three great allées frame procession through America’s most celebrated sculpture park. A new planning study explores the means and innovative methods of preserving and augmenting Storm King’s landscape and ecology, specifically these iconic trees.

We see Storm King Art Center pursuing a dual mission as a remarkable outdoor museum: through the experience of contemporary sculpture in landscape, the institution promotes the preservation and integrity of the lands and waters of the Hudson Valley. Sensitive and strategic approaches to treating the Maple Allée and the Museum Road Allée will strengthen bonds between art and preservation and will advance this unique mission for generations to come. From this effort will emerge a new paradigm for ongoing stewardship.

Over a period of several months in the winter and spring, Reed Hilderbrand worked with Eric T. Fleisher (F2 Environmental) to complete a forensic analysis of declining and failing trees along the Museum Road and Maple Allee. Extensive data was developed around the trees, soils, and their general maintenance year round.

Our study concluded with a menu of solutions for the Art Center to select among. The approved draft plan recommends replacement of existing trees with more well-adapted species, including maple and blackgum. This approach reinstates the spatial composition and seasonal beauty of the allée. With replanting, we are improving soil health and arboricultural practices. This project re-establishes the artistic intentions of William Rutherford’s allée as a part of Storm King’s living collections.


Mountainville, NY






  • “Sugar Substitutes,” by Jonathan Lerner, Landscape Architecture Magazine , March 2019
  • “Can A Museum Embody Environmental Justice” by Megan Mayhew-Bergman, The Guardian , February 2023
  • 2019 Honor Award, CT ASLA