JoAnn Cavallaro

As Reed Hilderbrand’s thought partner and trusted advisor since 2017, JoAnn strengthens the firm’s culture through her strategic focus and pragmatic approach to organization-wide initiatives that enable us to fulfill our mission, chart our road to the future, and ensure that we continue to expand and diversify our partnership and grow and nurture the next generation of leaders in our practice. She has advised and coached leadership across diverse sectors and industries, having previously held a number of executive positions herself. JoAnn began to shape her personal leadership style teaching high school English while attending graduate school. She discovered that a combination of honesty, directness, and compassion was especially effective in the development of students’ talent and built on that experience as she led large organizations and nurtured thriving and inclusive cultures. JoAnn earned a BA in History and English at Fordham University, Master of English from Southern Connecticut State University, and MBA from Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business. Currently, she is the President and CEO of the deCava Group, Interim Executive Director of the Boston Club, Corporate Advisory Board Member for The Women’s Edge, and Chair of the Board of Directors of the Teaching and Learning Alliance Inc. A native of New Haven, Connecticut with a lifelong love of art, music, and landscape, she delights in working with creative people making a difference in the world.