Barbara Graeff

Barbara finds fulfillment in the act of revealing place rather than imposing it. She hails from Petropolis, Brazil and earned her Bachelor’s in Architecture and Urbanism from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro. Inspired by a year of study in the landscape architecture program at the Academie van Bouwkunst Amsterdam in the Netherlands, she turned her undergraduate thesis to an exploration of loss and memory in a Brazilian fishing village quickly disappearing due to sea level rise and coastal erosion. In 2018, Barbara participated in the Venice Biennale of Architecture as a member of Brazilian Pavilion curatorial team. She earned her MLA from the Harvard University Graduate School of Design, where she was awarded the Charles Eliot Traveling Fellowship. With professional experience at firms in the Netherlands and Brazil under her belt, Barbara joined the practice in 2022 and has been working on residential and institutional projects. Outside of work, she loves to explore Boston on foot and spend time by the ocean.